Digifort’s is now integrated with Paxton’s Net2 access control system.
Paxton joins Salto, C-Cure, TDSI, Gallagher, Entry Pass and Vanderbilt in Digifort’s ever-growing list of access control integrations.
Nick Bowden, Managing Director at the Digifort UK, explains, “Digifort uses an embedded, ‘Middleware’ software module to link access control functions, actions and events to live and recorded video in the VMS. These can then be viewed by one or more, concurrent users by PC, Smartphone or tablet.
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“The Digifort system can respond to access control site actions and events in many ways. Some of these include creating a reference bookmark on the recorded timeline of cameras for easy retrieval; showing a “pop-up” tab to alert users to events, with all associated event information such as card holder and reader name; a ‘Play’ link button to view recordings; triggering an external alarm; directing event video to a video wall; sending real-time alerts to an operator or keyholder by text or email; opening or closing relay contacts, such as to open a door; and displaying a web page, such as Google maps, with camera location icons and much more.
“Using Middleware allows Digifort to add new, access control integrations quickly and easily. Events appear within a log, with a complete audit trail, as well as filter options to narrow down search criteria. Digifort’s integration with the Paxton access control system also provides a video link for viewing from within Net2 itself.”