Stream live video from your Smartphone straight into Digifort.
Including audio and the phone's location on Google maps!
The video shows the Digifort Mobile Camera Pro App streaming live video from a Smartphone directly into a Digifort VMS system, just like any 'normal' CCTV camera. Audio recording is included and the location of the phone is shown on Google maps - in real time! The App is free, you just need to allocate a channel on the VMS to the service. Its ideal for protecting lone workers and customer facing staff.
Other features of the Digifort Mobile Camera Pro App include:
- Streaming native, Full HD (if supported by device) H.264 video with audio.
- Video streaming using wireless or 3G / 4G connectivity.
- Configuration of video image stream resolution.
- Configuration of image quality / compression.
- The use of the Smartphone flashlight during streaming.